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© 2017 Andrea Involata

Entrare nella testa di un designer, con i diari di Lance Wyman – Frizzifrizzi
111 Fondata nel 2010, a Londra, da Tony Brook, Patricia Finegan ed Adrian Shaughnessy, Unit Editions è una piccola casa editrice indipendente specializzata in pubblicazioni sul mondo del design, particolarmente apprezzate dagli addetti ai lavori e nelle wishlist di molti studenti. Di recente Brook e Shaughnessy, mentre erano alle prese con una lunga ricerca negli archivi …

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Surreal and Morbid Paintings of Women by Fuco Ueda
The girls who appear in Tokyo-based artist Fuco Ueda’s paintings are, in a single word, mysterious. They appear in surreal situations and seem to embody complicated emotions like guilt, aggressiveness, independence, and a subtle seductive eroticism.

The girls are often accompanied by col

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The Art of Alex Gross – Paintings
Paintings, Limited Edition Prints, The Art of Alex Gross website features the beautiful and seductive oil painting of Los Angeles based artist Alex Gross. The website also features an online store with limited edition giclee prints, silkscreens engravings and limted edition books.

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